Back in the good ole’ days when movie sequels were less rampant, gas was well under five dollars and things for kids were generally more EXTREME, the world was blessed with a child named Michael. Not to be confused with Jackson, Jordan or a nunchuck-wielding turtle, this child grew up to quite the artist. One sensitive and sentimental Future Garage artist who would eventually don the name, Solenya.
Inspired from a young age by artists like deadmau5, feed me, mord fustang, direct, and feint, he decided it was time he took a crack at the producing game. Though he has proven to be quite the solo artist, he is no stranger to collaboration. From singles to EPs to anything he can get his hands on, Solenya’s involvement leaves a clear and concise set of fingerprints on any work, big or small. In his life he has found that not only does music inspire him and bring him a genuine joy unlike any other, but it keeps his darker thoughts at bay while simultaneously allowing him to channel those feelings of extreme sadness, anger and even happiness into something truly expressive.
He has expressed that SYNC Records stood out to him because of our ability to lift up artists that are oftentimes overlooked. Not unlike Solenya’s prediction, we too hope that we can evolve into a major platform that serves all fresh and upcoming young artists. In the near future he hopes to polish up a solid live set and start regularly playing some shows while also improving his sound and tackling some of the heavy-hitter genres. Every new release of his has been a gift we anticipate plenty more on the way. So move over Santa Claus– Solenya is coming to town.


"I love the passion of giving underrated artists the platform they deserve. I can see SYNC becoming a standard for upcoming artists to release on in the future."